The state of Tennessee is located in the south of the eastern part of the US and has a humid subtropical climate type. This is the best favorable climatic type for the ticks. There are 15 species of ticks recorded in the woody and brushy areas like forests, grasslands, and yards. But there are prominently five significant species of ticks that you can find in Tennessee. This blog will discuss these five types of ticks in Tennessee and preventive measures to keep you from tick infections and tick diseases.
Deer Ticks
Deer ticks is one of the most threatening ticks species known for their spread of Lyme disease. They are widely present in the eastern United States. Scientifically called Ixodes scapularis take nearly two years to complete their life cycle from eggs to larvae in one calendar year and from nymphs and adults in the next year. They are distinctly red with a solid black dorsal shield. They are the smallest species in entire North America, the size of a sesame seed. They are more threatening because they spread Lyme Disease. They may bite humans any time of the year, and they survive in temperatures even small degrees below the freezing temperature.
Lone Star Ticks
These ticks are also known as the Turkey ticks. The lone star ticks live in secondary forests, meadow grassland, or in places with bushes in Tennessee. Lone star ticks have a white star-like dot on their scutum. Females require a blood meal before laying eggs. These ticks are likely to spread diseases such as human monocytic ehrlichiosis, Francisella tularensis, Rickettsia amblyopia, Coxiella burnetii, granulocytic ehrlichiosis, and Alpha-Gal Syndrome.
Alpha gal syndrome is caused due to the bite of the Lone star tick. When the tick bites a human, it transfers sugar molecules from their bovine hosts to humans. They also cause the STARI. This rash also gives rise to febrile issues.
Asian Longhorned Tick
Asian Longhorned ticks are colloquially known as bush tick, cattle tick, Asian tick, and clone tick. These three-host ticks are native to Southern Asia and New Zealand.
The Asian long-horned tick females can reproduce without mating with a male counterpart. They are reddish-brown. The Asian Longhorned tick is not a threat to humans and poses an obstacle to livestock. But, according to research published in 2018, the Asian Longhorned ticks do not act as vectors of any diseases, but they may affect humans. They are known as invasive species because of their quick reproduction mechanism.
American Dog Tick:
Also known as a Wood tick, they are mostly prevalent in the east of the great Rocky Mountains and along the Pacific coast regions. The adult is very small that measures about ¼ an inch, and they have white markings on their backs. They are hard ticks, have a hard scutum, and have four life stages of the lifecycle. These ticks have sharp jaws and curvy hooks. They are active in the spring and summer seasons when they quest on to the host and thrive on them. American Dog ticks thrive in grassy, brushy, woody, or shady areas. They tend to have multiple hosts such as elk, golden-mantled ground squirrels, squirrels, deer mice, etc. Wood ticks carry microbes that cause diseases such as rickettsia, which causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain fever, and Tularemia. These ticks thrive in the foothills of various places.
Brown Dog Ticks
The brown dog tick or the Rhipicephalus sanguineus can survive indoors. So it is best advised by many experts to check for poppy seeds like arachnids inside homes. This situation occurs when the property is in a tick-populated area. Dogs and other wild animals are likely to bring these arachnids into one’s home. The Brown dog ticks primarily bite dogs, cats, and other mammals. Humans can also get infected due to brown dog ticks. They may cause diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, canine ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis.
The population of ticks is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, especially in the United States. Ticks thrive well in the humid regions, and Tennessee is an excellent place for them to survive and expand their population. This is the time to adhere to the TN government measures and preventive activities to keep away from ticks and tick diseases.