You try to fall asleep but can’t. You’re tossing and turning, and it’s been like this for hours. Suddenly, you feel something crawling on your arm. You brush it off and try to go back to sleep, but you can’t shake the feeling that something is crawling on you. In the morning, you realize a tick in your house. You may be wondering what to do if you’ve never dealt with ticks before.
Here are the basics on how to check for ticks inside your house and how to protect yourself and your loved ones with tick prevention tips.
How To Check For Ticks In House?
Checking for ticks in your house is a simple process that should be done regularly, especially if you reside in a region where ticks are common.
- Conduct a visual inspection of all of the rooms in your house, paying close attention to any dark or secluded areas where ticks might hide. Inspect any cracks, fissures, or crevices in furniture and baseboards and any area where pets sleep or spend time.
- Once you have thoroughly inspected all of the rooms in your house, it is important to check any areas where ticks might enter, such as doors and windows. This action will help prevent any ticks lurking outside from gaining access to your home.
- Regularly check your pet animals for tick scabs, as they can easily bring them into the house. Consider using a tick repellent on your pets.
- Inspect yourself and your family members for ticks after spending time outdoors, paying close attention to the hairline, armpits, and groin area.
- Make sure to keep your yard clear of debris and tall grass, as these are common places for ticks to hide.
Implementing these simple strategies can help ensure your home remains free of ticks.
What Are The Signs Of Ticks In Your House?
Ticks are small, dark-colored parasites that often attach to animals and humans. Although they are most commonly found in wooded or grassy areas, ticks can also enter homes on clothing or pets. Once inside, ticks often attach themselves to carpeting, upholstered furniture, or clothing. As they feed, ticks can swell to several times their normal size. The size can make them easy to spot. Other signs of ticks in your home include small blood stains on fabrics or furniture and dark spots on walls or ceilings (which may be tick droppings).
Ticks can quickly become a problem, as they reproduce quickly (a female tick lays between 2,000 and 18,000 eggs) and can transmit disease. Therefore, it is significant to be conscious of the signs of ticks in your home. Look for small, dark spots on walls or furniture, which could indicate where ticks are hiding. In addition, be on the lookout for tick bites on yourself or your pets.
Finally, watch for signs and symptoms of illness in your family members or pets, as this could signify that a tick has successfully transmitted a disease. If you encounter any of these signs, take steps to remove the ticks from your home and contact a pest control professional. An experienced pest control professional will be able to quickly eliminate the ticks from your home and help prevent them from returning.
Tick Prevention Tips For Homeowners
As the weather gets warmer, families spend more time outdoors. However, warmer temperatures also mean an increased risk of ticks. Ticks can latch themselves to any part of the body, making them potential carriers of disease. Fortunately, homeowners can adopt some simple steps to prevent ticks from becoming a problem.
- Check yourself, your family members, and your pets for ticks after spending time outdoors.
We all enjoy spending time outdoors, but we must remember that we share our outdoor spaces with various creatures, including ticks. Luckily, you can follow a few simple actions to prevent tick bites. First, check yourself, your family members, and your pets for ticks after spending time outdoors. Look for ticks in the hairline, behind the ears, under the arms, and in other tight spaces on the body. If you encounter a tick, use tweezers to remove it by gripping the tick at the point of attachment and gently pulling it away from the skin. Be sure to wash the area with soap and water afterward. Second, avoid areas where ticks are known to congregate, such as tall grasses and leaf litter. Finally, wear proper clothing when spending time in tick-prone areas, such as long pants and long sleeves.
Taking simple precautions can help protect yourself and your loved ones from tick-borne illnesses.
- Keep your grass short and your weeds under control.
Regularly mowing your lawns and keeping the grass short will lessen ground moisture. Eliminating tall grasses will help reduce areas that appeal to both ticks and your animal pals. Since there’s a significant likelihood that your pets are bringing ticks into the house, this is especially crucial if they go outside and come inside. When a warm body is around, ticks can feel it and immediately move toward it. Ticks might be challenging to see once hidden beneath your pet’s fur.
Removing any potential tick habitat from your home is also necessary, such as woodpiles, leaf litter, and tall grasses or weeds.
- Encourage wildlife that eats ticks to visit your property.
Birds, bats, and certain types of insects feed on ticks, so having them around can help keep the tick population in check. You can attract these animals by providing food and shelter. For example, you can plant native trees and shrubs that provide bird food and nesting sites or build a bat house for bats to roost. By encouraging wildlife that eats ticks, you can help reduce the number of ticks on your property.
- Use tick repellents when spending time outside in tick-prone areas.
Before going outside, apply tick repellent to yourself to lessen the possibility of picking up ticks on your clothing. Several options are available when it comes to sprays and repellents for ticks, including commercial items like DEET, permethrin, lemon eucalyptus oil, and homemade alternatives.
You can make your tick repellents by combining one or more oils with water, vinegar, and witch hazel, but do your homework first. Find a recipe that has been verified and follow it precisely because using essential oils incorrectly can still be dangerous.
- Wash your clothes and dry them off.
After spending some time outside, remove your clothing and put them in the dryer as soon as you get inside. This approach will kill any ticks on the garments. After 15 minutes at high heat in the dryer, wash the clothing.
You can also wash your garments in hot water and dry them on high heat. The high heat will kill any ticks clinging to your clothing. It would seem sensible to wash the garments first, but you don’t want to leave ticks in your washer since your washing machine may not get hot enough to kill ticks effectively.
Ticks still attached to your clothing can be dried and killed by taking them off and drying them at the highest heat for at least 10 minutes.
- Vacuum regularly and dispose of the vacuum bag immediately to prevent ticks from spreading.
Vacuuming is a powerful and efficient way to eliminate ticks from your home. Ticks can attach themselves to carpet fibers and other materials, and regular vacuuming will help remove them before they can attach themselves or bite. Be sure to vacuum all floor surfaces, including under furniture and corners. Once you have finished vacuuming, dispose of the vacuum bag immediately afterward in a sealed plastic bag.
In addition, consider using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, as this will help to trap any ticks that manage to escape the vacuum bag.
Ticks can survive for several days in a sealed bag, so removing them from your home as soon as possible is important. If you have pet animals at home, be sure to vacuum their sleeping areas and beds and brush them regularly to remove any ticks that may be present. This measure will help to prevent any remaining ticks from escaping and infesting your home again.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises using a vacuum to remove any ticks that may be present in your home. The gadget will collect ticks in all life phases besides the ones you can see. Use it on carpets, rugs, furniture, and areas your pet animals use.
- Insecticides can help rid your home of ticks.
Insecticides can be an efficient means to control ticks in your home. However, using them safely, cautiously, and only as directed is important. Many insecticides are highly toxic, and misusing them can risk your family and pets. Before using any insecticide, read the label carefully and follow the directions properly.
Only use insecticides inside your home if you have no other choice, and always ventilate the area well before and after application. If you must use an insecticide outdoors, choose a product specifically labeled for ticks and apply it according to the directions. Avoid contact with skin or clothing, and always wash your hands thoroughly after application. In addition, it is important to keep children and pets away from treated areas until the insecticide has dried completely.
- Seal any gaps, cracks, or openings in your home’s exterior to prevent ticks from getting inside.
Most ticks don’t really enter buildings. However, tiny holes, gaps, and crevices that you can’t even notice might attract brown dog ticks indoors. You might be dealing with a terrible infestation if this occurs and ticks begin to lay eggs. You should, therefore, promptly seal up any cracks and openings in your home’s exteriors for this reason alone.
- Protect your pet animals.
There are numerous shampoos for dogs that repel ticks. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best treatments for your pets, given their skin sensitivity and other health conditions. Topical tick repellants and oral drugs are available to treat cats and dogs.
Even with treatment, ticks can still enter your home on your pet’s thick fur and then slither off on the carpeting. Use diatomaceous earth and other natural treatments to hasten the removal of ticks if your dogs keep bringing them indoors.
Protecting your pet animals can help them against tick bites and avoid a tick infestation in your home.
10. Use Diatomaceous Earth.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a powder prepared from the sediments of fossilized algae found in water bodies. This powder can be dispersed around your house. Insects that come into contact with them have their waxy exterior coatings destroyed by the powders. When the tick crawls over the fine powder, it dehydrates and dries out.
Diatomaceous earth and boric acid are the two most popular desiccants. Diatomaceous earth is a safer substitute for boric acid because it can be hazardous if consumed. It would help if you raked diatomite powder into carpets and the corners of any floors without carpet and removed it after a week.
11. Maintaining your home and landscaping.
Eliminating ticks from your lawn and garden is the greatest way to prevent them from getting inside your home. You’re less likely to bring the biting insects inside your home if you can eliminate any outdoor ticks that are already there and then stop others from moving into your yard.
Take care of your property and landscaping to eliminate ticks that are brought inside from the outside.
You may be able to maintain your home and landscaping by following these steps:
- Trim overgrown shrubs to let light and air pass through their boughs; this will lessen the moisture in the ground below.
- To allow air to circulate below any woodpiles, move them to a dry location, such as on top of recycled wood pallets.
- Tick-killing tubes, like Thermacell Tick Control Tubes, can be used to treat stacked stone walls by being inserted into the spaces between the stones. Permethrin, which kills ticks on contact, is present in the tubes. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for safe use.
- Place tick tubes or diatomaceous earth on the floor and in the corners of storage buildings.
- Another option is to try sprinkling diatomaceous earth along a shed’s exterior perimeter, but remember that wetness will render the powder useless. You’ll need to reapply diatomaceous earth if it rains.
- Remove leaf mounds after raking.
- Search for tick nests in outdoor hotspots and eliminate them at the source.
12. Use effective natural remedies to kill ticks in the house.
You can attempt various natural treatments for ticks. First, kill tick larvae and eggs by liberally sprinkling table salt or boric acid in areas where you’ve observed ticks. You can also use rubbing alcohol, bleach, or dish detergent to kill adult ticks. Drop any ticks you find into any of these substances to kill them. You can also spray 4 ounces of distilled water and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil mixture anywhere ticks have been spotted in the house for further at-home tick treatment.
Following these tips can help reduce the chances of tick infestation in your home. If you do find ticks on your property, be sure to contact a professional pest control company for assistance in removing them.
Bottom Line
So, there you have it – everything you need to know about ticks in house and how to get rid of them. Remember, the best way to avoid having a tick in the house again is to take preventive measures such as using a tick repellent and keeping your yard clean and free of debris. If you come across a tick in your home, don’t panic – follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll have that tick out in no time.